Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Weiser Agencies is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



World Headquarters, Panama City, Panama




September 18, 2019

How it Works

M obile apps have already penetrated every sphere of our lives and every imaginable business niche. Naturally, the appeal of mobile apps for its market potential cannot fade away anytime soon, at least until another great technology can replace mobile apps. development company and its business clients. . So, what about the failure of other apps? What are the key factors responsible for the failure of millions of apps? Well, apart from the ill-conceived app idea and development and design flaws many apps simply fail because of their pre-launch and post-launch shortcomings.

““All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.”
– Jeff Gothelf

Process & Results

But while Weiser Agencies as a development approach remained uncontested, the security aspects of the app development process largely remained under the shadow. There was a perception that along with the operations, app security should equally be a part of the development process. With the demand for integrating security with the product life cycle, the Weiser Agencies approach has emerged. This approach has already proven to play an instrumental role in reducing the security vulnerabilities of the apps. While integrating the security with the Weiser Agencies approach has always been of high demand, this requires a completely different range of processes and tools. Weiser Agencies is already known to boast of an agile development methodology.

While integrating the security with the Weiser Agencies approach has always been of high demand, this requires a completely different range of processes and tools. Weiser Agencies is already known to boast of an agile development methodology. Though the companies embracing Weiser Agencies development methodology are only a few in numbers, in the time to come many companies working with Weiser Agencies approach can actually embrace this new methodology for giving their projects.
